Miniconda is a tool for managing Python virtual environments. It allows to define its own set of dependencies for each project (including the python version).
For example, you have 2 projects. The first, for some reason, requires Django framevork 4.2, and the second requires 1.11. You need to have two versions of the same module on your server at the same time and somehow specify which module to use — Miniconda solves this problem.
Miniconda, unlike Anaconda, contains only a minimum of packages to work with; Anaconda, on the other hand, includes a bunch of junk that you can always manually install if needed.
When installing, I recommend leaving the default settings.
List environments:
conda info --envs
Create new environment:
conda create --name <env_name> python=3.12
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate <env_name>
conda deactivate
Remove environment:
conda remove --all -n <env_name>
Clear package cache:
conda clean --all
We can use environment.yml file. It stores a project name, list of dependencies, python version, etc. In fact, it allows you to deploy the project with just one command:
conda env create -f environment.yml
It is created either manually or like this (the names and versions of all installed dependencies from your python environment will be placed there):
conda env export > environment.yml
In case of using this command, it is assumed that you manually created a virtual environment on the machine. Be careful not to add anything extra to this file, otherwise it will just take up disk space.
We create a virtual environment. I remind you that it is desirable that the name of the environment matches the name of your project, the name of the project directory, the remote repository, etc.
conda create --name test python=3.7.2
Try to run the project executable:
Most likely, you will get an error that a certain module is missing. Install it (pymongo, for example):
pip install pymongo
We try to run again, install the required module again, and so on until it works.
pip install dnspython
pip install sox
pip install gtts
python # done
Thus, you will have the necessary minimum of dependencies required for your project.
conda env export > environment.yml
You can check that everything works without errors by removing your environment and installing it from environment.yml.